Category: Power Boats
Condition: New
Year: 2020
Length Overall: 24'10" / 7.57m
Beam: 8'6" / 7.47m
Hull Draft (Motors Up): N/A
(Motors Down): N/A
The 251 XSS, with forward seating, was designed to be a “hybrid” model capable of handling and performing in both inshore and offshore waters. This model has a draft of approximately 13” for backwater fishing; while the proud bow, hull design, depth and freeboard allow it to slice through offshore waves while keeping you dry.
Category: Power Boats
Condition: New
Beam: 9'10" / 3.00m
Length Overall: 30'4" / 9.24m
Category: Power Boats
Condition: New
Beam: 8'6" / 2.59m
Length Overall: 25'8" / 7.82m
Category: Power Boats
Condition: New
Beam: 8'9" / 2.67m
Length Overall: 27'0" / 8.23m
Category: Power Boats
Condition: New
Beam: 7'5" / 2.26m
Length Overall: 17'5" / 5.31m